
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hair Loss In Women - Dealing With Early Onset of Alopecia.

Hair loss for men has always been an interesting subject, especially given how many young men shave their heads to look their most sexy. But in women, there is no such fashion statement like head shaving that can be made. Hair loss in women is a serious issue requiring serious discussion about the available treatments and remedies.

This subject came up with my own family just last week during a visit to my mother. She was distant, not her normal happy self and it finally took a mini interrogation to get her to open up about her morose mood. Then she blurted it out - she was in a panic about finding she is losing hair, and noticeably too.

So we got onto the Internet to dig around and see what we could learn with some research. Were there treatments and remedies available? We suspected that men's causes and issues may be different to women's.

Anyway, we found what we were looking for. An excellent website all on the subject of women's hair loss, and the range of possible treatments available. Ranging from surgery for transplants through to both doctor prescribed and over the counter medications and supplements available to control the problem.

Hair loss in women is a much greater threat to self esteem than for men.

Telly Savalas and Yul Brynner both made total baldness a career-making sex-symbol trait in the 1970's and 1980's. Forget the "comb-over", if you 're a man losing the fight with your hair, you can just shave your head to be even sexier than before.

We've never had an actress shave her head to be sexy. At 72 years old, I doubt my mother is aspiring to be the first to shave her head to look sexy. She just wants to keep her hair longer than nature seems to be intending.

Anyway, I strongly recommend that you women with a similar drama in your life that you search around on the Internet. There really are very realistic solutions available that do not involve surgery nor prescribed medications. Often only a more healthy lifestyle combined maybe with some supplements is all that is needed.

I know that my own mother is much more happy after we investigated the issues with online researching to uncover the many and various options available to her. It really need not be such a traumatic experience and as they say, prevention is better than any cure.

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