
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Alopecia Areata : A Hair Loss Condition With No Known Cause or Cure.

If today's highly advanced and ultra modern technology can't pinpoint the real cause of the medical condition called Alopecia Areata, or simply hair loss, how else can people look forward to a cure? Alopecia Areata is a medical condition wherein the patient is losing strands of hair on his or her scalp on a fast rate. The reaction is quite rapid that it may leave the patient partially bald after a certain period of time.

Little is known about this disease. Studies show that the condition is caused by an immune system abnormality. The tissues in the in body, in this case the hair follicles, are attacked by one's own immune system. Therefore, the normal formation of the hair is disrupted. Why the immune system does that is the thing that can't be explained by the experts at all.

If the root cause of the problem can't be tracked, then medicines may not be able to help. The doctor would be limited to delaying the progress of your condition but can't really do anything to stop it. Now if a doctor can't totally help, the alternative solutions may. And that would be the use of natural herbs.

A natural hair growth shampoo is known to work on these cases, at least to reverse the effect and counter the fast rate of losing of hair. Since Alopecia Areata has no cure, the most that one can do is to impede the loss of hair. The use of a hair loss shampoo that can stimulate the scalp so the hair would grow faster before the immune system can get to it.

This is the most feasible solution to the problem as of now. However, a doctor's advice is still necessary since this condition is regarded as a medical issue. While a doctor can't give you an outward recommendation, he would be able to clear the natural hair growth shampoo that you 're intending to use.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Power of Cloning Hair.

More and more new discoveries are being laid out in the open to combat hair loss. And just recently, it is the discovery of a hair cloning technique that has created the biggest buzz of all. It had effectively made everyone in the hair growth industry stand in attention. Much of it is because of the product's claims to do one thing that has yet to be done - clone hair.

If this product is as good at it claims, then it could just be the ultimate solution that hair fall sufferers must be looking for. The clinical tests done by experts saw that the product do promise a lot. However, further tests are necessary to show its true ability to grow back a person's lost hair.

In a laboratory setup, the product was able to regenerate new hair follicle, without depleting or moving the original strand from its location. The ACell serves as the catalyst for the regenerating process while MatriStem is the one that triggers the reaction. Before its application in balding issues, the product was initially a wound healing powder that is used to facilitate the body's natural healing process. Right now, it plays a very important role in hair cloning.

Many individuals suffering from massive hair fall is waiting for this technology to become widely accessible. But at the rate that it is going, it may take several more years to complete the research. Until then, hair loss sufferers would have to content themselves using natural a hair growth shampoo or probably consider a transplant. End users don't have any idea yet as to how much this product would cost them at the very least. Surely, it won't be as cheap as a hair loss shampoo bought in bulk. But since this is a new technology that the product is introducing, it may just be worth the try.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hair Loss Solution to Cancer Victims.

When you have cancer, the most common side effect of the medications you take and the procedure you undergo like chemotherapy is the loss of hair. And oftentimes, doctors can't do anything about it. Eliminating cancer cells in your body is far more important than worrying about the strands of hair that you 're losing everyday. More than because of their disease, cancer patients get depressed because they 're losing their mane and are therefore feeling less confident about how they look. So even if they recover, they still have that un-confident air about them.

Doctors can't possibly recommend hair transplant or surgery for you while under treatment or even right after. Cancer patients simply have to stand and look at their tresses falling. Watching your health deteriorate just by the way you 're shedding hair is not really encouraging.

It's a good thing that there are natural hair growth shampoos that can help reverse the effect. But before you use anything like it be sure to consult with your doctor first. Usually, doctors won't recommend a hair loss shampoo during the process of cancer treatment. But when all the sessions are done and your body is back in shape, this is the first hair loss solution that they would recommend to grow back what you've lost. It can help speed up the process so you can regain your self esteem faster.

A natural hair growth shampoo is safe because it doesn't contain chemical ingredients that can harm your body. What it has are natural herbs extracted in their most natural and effective forms so they can work harmoniously and effectively with the natural processes of your body. This is the reason why it is perfectly okay for everybody who has hair loss issues. A doctor would be able to guide you as to how to use them if in case you have any underlying diseases like cancer to consider.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Hair Loss Process.

The hair loss process was not finally determined till about the end of the 20th century. Before that time there were many things considered, but none proven. Through out the century, studies concluded that testosterone, heredity and the 5 alpha reductase enzyme were responsible. Here is how that conclusion was reached.

One Doctor determined that testosterone was involved when he observed a mental patient, who had been castrated before puberty, had a full head of hair. (Castration was usThe hair loss process was not finally determined till about the end of the 20th century. Before that time there were many things considered, but none proven. Through out the century, studies concluded that testosterone, heredity and the 5 alpha reductase enzyme were responsible. Here is how that conclusion was reached.

One Doctor determined that testosterone was involved when he observed a mental patient, who had been castrated before puberty, had a full head of hair. (Castration was used to calm mental patients down in the early 20th century.) Yet his twin brother, who had not been castrated, had lost some of his hair, creating a bald spot on the crown. The Doctor knew that the castrated man did not produce testosterone, yet his brother did.

With this knowledge, the Doctor injected the castrated twin with testosterone. Very soon his hair started to fall out just like his twin brother. When the injections stopped, the castrated twin sted to calm mental patients down in the early 20th century.) Yet his twin brother, who had not been castrated, had lost some of his hair, creating a bald spot on the crown. The Doctor knew that the castrated man did not produce testosterone, yet his brother did.

With this knowledge, the Doctor injected the castrated twin with testosterone. Very soon his hair started to fall out just like his twin brother. When the injections stopped, the castrated twin stopped losing his hair and even started to re-grow his hair. So the Doctor determined that testosterone might be connected with hair loss.

In the 1940's, another study was performed to determine if heredity had anything to do with hair loss. The study was performed on men who had been castrated before puberty, for medical reasons, and their male relatives. Castrated males were infused with testosterone. Those castrated men whose relatives had lost their hair, started losing their hair. Those, whose relatives did not have any hair loss, did not lose their hair. When the injections stopped, those castrated men who were losing their hair, started to re-grow it again.

This experiment showed the connection between heredity and hair loss.

Toward the end of the century, it was observed some males, even though they carried the normal XY chromosome for males, grew to puberty looking like girls. But would become normal males after puberty. But would become normal males after puberty. This was determined to be caused by these males not having the 5 alpha reductase enzyme.

Further studies showed that testosterone would combine with the 5 alpha reductase enzyme forming DHT (dihydrotestosterone). The DHT would circulate through the blood stream and then attach to the hair follicle. The hair follicle would be unable to obtain the required nutrients for it self and its hair strand. By not getting the required nutrients, the hair strand would fall out and the follicle would eventually shrink and die.

So to stop hair loss, scientist have found they need to control DHT, testosterone and the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. One method used is herbal supplements. Some of the supplements used are :.

* Saw palmetto - regulates the DHT.
* Vitamin A - makes the hair follicle stronger.
* Vitamin C - develops healthy capillaries.
* Vitamin E - encourages hair growth.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Causes of Female Hair Loss and Natural Remedies to Regrow Hair Fast.

There was a time when the loss of hair was considered to be something which primarily affected men. It is now known that thinning hair affects women as well. In fact, nearly half of all women will notice that their hair is thinning by the time they turn 40. The gradual loss of hair can stir up many emotions in women since the hair symbolizes beauty. Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies which can help regrow hair. First it is important to understand the causes of female hair loss.

The Leading Causes of Female Hair Loss.
One of the most common causes of female hair loss is poor nutrition. For many women, a good multi-vitamin is all they will need in order to regrow hair. Vitamin B is essential to hair growth. In fact, your strands can actually stop growing if you are not getting enough vitamin B. It is found in wheat germ, potatoes, liver, chicken and brewer's yeast.

The leading cause of thinning hair in women is female pattern baldness. Most people call this condition androgenic alopecia. Women with this condition typically have excessive amounts of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in their bodies. DHT attacks the follicles and causes the strands to fall out.

Hormonal changes can also cause women to lose their hair. The fluctuations in hormonal levels which occur after childbirth and during menopause can affect the hair.

Herbal Remedies.
Certain herbs can help reverse the underlying causes of female hair loss. Rosemary, nettle root extract, and green tea are effective treatments for women who have androgenic alopecia. These herbs contain compounds which prevent the body from converting the hormone testosterone into DHT. Once the levels of DHT are reduced in the body, the follicles are able to receive the nutrients they need to function. This allows the strands to grow back.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Female Hair Loss Remedy - Learn the Best Treatments for Fast Natural Hair Growth.

The loss of hair in women can be caused by a variety of factors. Regardless of the cause, it is not a pleasant experience. Most women treasure their hair and spend a lot of time and money taking care of it. For women, hair represents their sense of style and beauty. This is why women sometimes have a hard time coping when they notice their hair is thinning. There are medications women can use to stimulate their hair to grow back but these treatments can cause side effects. A natural female hair loss remedy can work just as well without posing a risk to your health. First, you must determine why you are losing your hair.

Hormonal Changes Cause Female Thinning Hair.
Hormonal fluctuations are a common cause of female thinning hair. Some women will notice that their hair sheds in clumps shortly after they give birth. The growth cycle of a woman's hair may eventually return to normal as her hormones return to their natural levels. If it doesn't, a female hair loss remedy may be needed in order for her hair to grow back.

Menopause is another time in a woman's live when her hormones are changing. Some women will notice that their hair is thinning.

Female Pattern Baldness.
The leading cause to female thinning hair is a condition known as androgenic alopecia. Most people call this condition female pattern baldness. This condition is passed on through the genes and is linked to an over production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT destroys the follicles making them unable to hold on to the strands. The hair then starts to fall out and new hair can not grow back in because of the damaged follicles. Women with this condition should use a female hair loss remedy which prevents the production of DHT.

Female Hair Loss Remedy for Hair Regrowth.
Vitamin E is very effective in stimulating natural hair growth. It promotes a healthy flow of blood to the scalp. This will help ensure vitamins and minerals are able to get to the roots to nourish the strands.

Green tea is an effective female hair loss remedy for treating female pattern baldness. The tea contains compounds which curb the production of DHT.

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baldness in Women - Stop Hair Loss Naturally and Regrow Hair Fast.

There are many ways to prevent baldness in women. Hair loss is an issue which will affect most women by the time they reach middle age. It will become noticeable when you look in the mirror and notice that your strands are thinning, or you may notice that there is more hair than normal in your comb after you style your hair in the morning. The best and safest way to stop hair loss is to use a natural treatment to regrow hair.

Hormones Can Cause Female Thinning Hair.
You will need to find the reason for your hair loss before you start looking for a treatment. This will help you narrow down your search. When it comes to thinning hair and baldness and women, hormones can be a major factor.

Fluctuating hormones following childbirth can cause female thinning hair. The situation will reverse itself for some women as their hormones return to their normal levels. For other women, their hair may need a little help in returning to its normal growth cycle.

The hormonal shifts which occur during menopause can also cause some women to lose hair.

Some women lose hair due to an inherited condition known as androgenic alopecia or female pattern baldness. This condition is linked to the excessive production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT shrinks and damages the follicles causing them to lose their ability to function. The hair then begins to fall out as the follicles weaken. Androgenic alopecia is the leading cause of thinning hair and baldness in women.

Vitamin E.
 Vitamin E can help prevent baldness in women because it helps increase blood flow to the scalp. This allows more vitamins and nutrients to travel to the roots to nourish the strands. You can take this vitamin as a supplement and you can use it topically by cutting open a capsule and applying the vitamin E oil onto your scalp.

Green Tea Can Prevent Baldness in Women.
Green tea can stimulate hair growth and prevent baldness in women who have androgenic alopecia. The tea contains the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which prevents the body from converting testosterone into DHT.